Seven Productive Synergies – Part 2 In the second part of this two-part feature, we will look at the relationship between biology, soil food, compost, soil promotants and humates in our quest for productive combinations. 5) Earthworms and Soil Food Reclaiming large numbers of earthworms in the soil is the Holy Grail of the biological approach.
biological farming Seven Productive Synergies – Part 1 Nutrition Farming® is more about insight than inputs. It is a knowledge-based approach where the aim is to reduce inputs through smarter farming and increased sustainability. This often involves synergies where certain combinations optimise outcomes and knowledge of these synergies can be the key to success with this approach. In
biological farming New Findings on Foliar Potassium Potassium (K) is the mineral with the greatest influence upon crop quality parameters and, in this context, foliar-applied potassium during the business end of the season (from flowering onwards), can be particularly productive. Potassium is unique amongst major minerals in that it never becomes part of functional molecules involved in
11 Hot Tips to Profit from Humates Humates are the most exciting yield building, profit boosting tool available in crop production and if you have yet to discover their multiple benefits, it’s time to realise their potential. Trial a small area and you will become a humate convert. We are yet to experience a grower who
Jerry Brunetti Interview – Parts 1 & 2 This is an interview from 2007 with my close friend, Jerry Brunetti. I taped a marathon seven hour interview/conversation while travelling through NZ on a speaking tour. Jerry is one of the world’s leading consultants in holistic agriculture and he has become something of a guru in human
Vine-Tech Triple Ten™ Impresses Liz Riley is a leading viticulture consultant in the Hunter Valley and she heads her own consultancy company. Liz attended one of our four day courses last year and she proved a wealth of intelligent queries and well reasoned opinions that we have come to expect from recipients of Nufield
A Master Consultant Shares His Secrets John Norton heads the groundbreaking South Australian company, Bio-Tech Organics. This company was the very first NTS distributor in Australia and for the past fifteen years they have carved out a role as leaders in biological horticulture. John is now one of the World’s leading potato consultants and he
The Humate Phenomenon Humates are the most exciting input for the increase of productivity and profitability in agriculture since the advent of commercial nitrogen. What began as a critical tool in biological agriculture has rapidly become an essential performance enhancer in all types of growing enterprises. What is all the noise about and
Mycorrhizal Magic – New Biological Breakthrough The creature most often missing in agricultural soils is a fungus that burrows into the crop roots. This usually evokes images of an undesirable parasite but this is not a disease organism. Once this creature is locked into a food source from the plant, it gives far more than it
Healthy Soil – Graeme Sait Interviewed by ABC Graeme Sait is an internationally renowned speaker and author of "Nutrition Rules!" – a guidebook for improving both soil health and human health. Graeme is also the CEO of the Sunshine Coast based Nutri-Tech Solutions, which specialises in the relationship between soil health, animal health & human health. Mary-Lou
Grower Experiences Explosive Growth Using NTS Products Dear NTS, After the impact I’ve experienced using your products, I felt compelled to email and show you the results. As a small market garden operation, I taken great pride in being able to produce intensive crops in a very finite area, all while adhering to organically approved methods.
glyphosate Is Glyphosate Sustainable? – A Closer Look At The World’s Favourite Farm Chemical Glyphosate was invented and patented in the mid seventies by the Monsanto Corporation and marketed as “Roundup”. It became their flagship product until the patent expired in 2000. The lower priced generic glyphosate products should theoretically have decimated sales for Monsanto but they cleverly introduced their genetically modified “Roundup Ready”
growing tips Monthly Growing Tips 1) Build CaBSi Into Every Program No, I’m not suggesting that you offer more support to the taxi industry! It’s about a trio of key minerals that should be an integral part of your crop nutrition. Calcium (Ca) boron (B) and silicon (Si) are synergists and together they
climate change Surviving The Big Wet – Countering Climate Change The spectre of global warming often evokes images of widespread drought but this is not the case. The predictions have always been for changes in precipitation. Some areas will receive more rainfall and others less. Unfortunately, the major broadacre cereal belts around the globe seem destined to become drier while
laughter Laughter Matters This is a new column in the e-mag based upon my constant search for humour to include in my seminars. Those of you who have attended these events will know that I try to combine inspiration and education with humour in an attempt to inject some oxygen into overworked brains.
garden fertiliser NTS Launches Organic Home Garden Products We are excited to launch two new Organic products in our home garden range. These products are simple to use, cost effective and will provide visible results. If you are a keen gardener and have been looking for an optimum organic fertiliser then these products are ideal. Life Force® Organic
sustainable agriculture Sustainability Without Sacrifice It is a common misconception that any increase in sustainability will inevitably involve sacrifice, with the assumption that it will cost more or yields will fall! However thousands of farmers around the globe have proven that what is best for the planet is also best for the pocket. Cutting-edge biological
NTS Grower Wins Sustainable Agriculture Award Heinz and Angela Gugger proved to be perfect candidates to embrace and benefit from the biological approach. They had not farmed prior to their current enterprise so the had no pre-existing paradigms to shift. They attended the four-day NTS Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture course several years ago, liked what they
sustainable farming The Top Seven Plant Blunders 1) Forsaking Foliars Foliar fertilisers are twelve times more efficient than soil-based nutrient delivery and this promotes more effective chlorophyll management. Chlorophyll is the green pigment where all the production happens within the plant. This productive capacity diminishes as stripes, blotches and pale colours reduce chlorophyl density, so the more
sustainable farming The Top Seven Soil Blunders Biological agriculture differs from conventional organics in that organics is often about a great list of what you are not allowed to do but there is very little emphasis upon what you should be doing to increase crop quality and yield. The biological approach, however, is all about things you
Radiance Festival 2010/11 The Radiance Wellness Festival continues to inspire, educate and entertain Woodford patrons. This unique learning experience has now become one of the leading health festivals in the world, attracting total crowds in excess of 16,000 people over the six-day program. Holistic Solutions – Pathways to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
In-Field Diagnostics A large part of the Plant Management segment of our four-day Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture course is dedicated to demonstrating the use of a range of in-field diagnostic tools. These include a range of pocket tools for immediate feedback and a novel use of conventional leaf analysis. Together, we call
The Earthworm Edge An agricultural system that is dependent upon petrochemicals is absurdly vulnerable as peak oil approaches. Smart operators, the world over, have recognised this vulnerability and are seeking to reduce their reliance upon oil. The focus changes from oil to soil as growers come to recognise that their chemical approach has
The Top Ten Stress-Busting Strategies In Part 1 of this article, entitled De-Stress or Die Young, we identified a range of key stressors. This segment will explore strategies to successfully address each of those issues. 1) The Skin’s the Thing Magnesium (Mg) deficiency is the world’s largest shortage and a lack of magnesium
De-Stress or Die Young In Part 1 of this two-part article, we will look at the profound effects of stress upon both mind and body and in Part 2 (The Top Ten Stress-Busting Strategies) I will suggest a gameplan for proactive stress management. As I travel around the globe, I am frequently amazed at