Nutrition Farming Podcast Series 5 Episode 3 - Unlocking the Secrets of Phosphate

Welcome back to The Nutrition Farming Podcast. In Episode 3 of Series 5, I will be taking an in-depth look at phosphate.
Here, the focus will be upon phosphate efficiency and phosphate recovery from frozen reserves. We will explore microbes and minerals that release both soil reserves of P, and improve the solubility and plant availability of natural phosphate inputs. We will also look at the misuse and abuse of phosphate in our farming operations, and we will also look at the benefits of soft rock phosphate.
In a new segment called “Microbe of the Month”, you will discover the multiple benefits of amazing azotobacter and I will share an exciting new strategy. For the first time ever, we have learnt how to multiply these creatures on-farm. This is a breakthrough of tremendous importance because your cost of harvesting atmospheric nitrogen just dropped down from $50 per hectare to just $2 per hectare, and you get much more than cheap nitrogen. This organism releases locked up phosphate, controls key diseases, stimulates plant growth and can boost plant immunity.
I will also introduce a new Q&A segment called “Ask G-Man” (that’s my nickname). In this initial offering I will respond specifically to a series of questions about combatting cancer. However, many of my suggestions relate to building strength and resilience in general and that can help to counter dis-ease in many forms.
Our animal Heath feature relates to the science behind supplementing livestock with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), and we also consider the potential of this tonic for human health. You will discover how to use ACV to make super p-effective, low-cost herbal tinctures that can help you reclaim responsibility for the health of yourself and your family.
This wealth of diverse information is peppered with my latest jokes to help break up the flood of information.
I trust you will find something of value in this 160+ minute special.
Warm regards,
00:00:34 Introduction
00:04:19 Ag - The Phosphate Story
00:21:07 NTS - Bulk Soft Rock Phosphate Offer
00:23:28 Ag - The Phosphate Story Continues
00:24:45 Silica
00:26:11 Pseudomonas
00:34:45 Mycorrhizal Fungi
01:00:47 Joke 1
01:02:10 Ask G Man - Cancer Strategies
01:21:38 Joke 2
01:24:36 Livestock Supplements
01:37:12 Human Health - Apple Cider Vinegar
01:53:53 Joke 3
01:55:30 Microbe of the Month - Azotobacter
02:34:27 Joke 4
02:39:25 Summary
About Graeme Sait

Course creator and presenter Graeme Sait is a specialist agronomist in sustainable and regenerative agriculture, plant nutrition and human health. He has advised and educated government, agronomists, and farmers in more than 20 countries. Graeme hosts the popular Nutrition Farming Podcast, is the author of the popular Nutrition Matters blog, and is known for his passionate work and TEDx talk on humus.
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