How to Do It Series - Episode 9 - Leaf Sap Monitoring Tools

Hi Everyone,
In this episode, you will discover the many benefits of in-field sap monitoring and how precision nutrition can help ensure resilience and profitability.
Here, we will look at the multiple insights we can gain by measuring plant sap during the crop cycle. I will share a problem-solving strategy using some of these monitoring tools.
We will evaluate Sap pH testing as a guideline for plant health and pest resilience.
We will also consider the gains of managing nitrogen and potassium more efficiently with handheld meters.
Comparing the sap from top and bottom leaves with K and N meters can allow much greater proactivity in managing this key duo.
In fact, a potassium meter is of immense value in monitoring this “money mineral”. Potassium readings are notoriously unreliable when used in a conventional dry leaf test. This is because the test site (the first fully developed leaf) actually reflects where this super mobile mineral has moved (rather than the full potassium status of your crop) In some instances, plants can be completely drained of potassium before you detect the shortage. It can then be too late to play catch-up, and yield losses are inevitable.
I hope you will discover some new insights with this video to help build your profitability, sustainability and farming fun (via reduced stress)
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

Plant Sap Monitoring Tools
Plant Sap & Soil Nitrate Meter
You can place your order online below, email or phone on 07 5472 9900.