How to Do It Series - Episode 7 - Colin Johnson Interview

Hi Everyone,
This week's episode features a special treat. I decided that an interview with one of our very best Queensland-based Nutrition Farmers would provide a wealth of tips and strategies that will hopefully prove beneficial.
Colin Johnson attended one of my courses around ten years ago after some early challenges starting out in farming. Thankfully, this is where his Nutrition Farming journey began, as he has become a shining example of these practices.
During our popular, five-day Certificate in Nutrition Farming course, we have often visited Colin and Kelli’s property, “Kelico Park”, in the beautiful Mary Valley as part of the practical farm day experience.
Colin provides a prime example of the emerging maxim, in which the concept of “get bigger or get out” is slowly being replaced with the idea of “get diverse or get out” A growing movement of small, diverse enterprises is proving that it is more profitable and less risky to store your eggs in more than one basket. Colin’s enterprise features multiple interrelated income streams that not only ensure reliable profits but also make farming far more fascinating, fun, and inclusive.
Hopefully, there will be some ideas here that spark your interest in functional diversity and help you develop a more resilient business model.
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

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NTS FulvX™ Powder delivers a wide range of benefits,
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- Increased P availability - Humic acid and fulvic acid have both been shown to increase the release of phosphate from locked-up sources.
- Abiotic stress tolerance - In a warming world where environmental extremes abound, there is no shortage of plant stress, and anything that can help counter this stress becomes an essential tool.
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