How to Do It Series - Episode 2 - Extracting Compost

How to Do It Series - Episode 2 - Extracting Compost

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the positive feedback following the first of our instructional videos. One of these responders mentioned that he would love to see how we planned to extract the Trichoderma from the completed end product. Incidentally, I just checked the Trichoderma compost we produced in Episode 1. After just a few short weeks, it is a wonderfully rich, black, fungal-dominated humus.

In response to this request, we have decided that the compost extract segment can jump the cue in the video rollouts. This should hopefully enhance the continuity of this proactive protection story.

Compost Extracts vs Compost tea

I have so often mentioned the multiple benefits of boosting biodiversity in your soil, and compost extracts are simply the best way to do this. Aerobic compost teas can be of value, but the 24 hours of bubbling tends to select for oxygen-loving species. These creatures dominate, and all-important diversity is seriously compromised. In tight, closed, oxygen-compromised soils, these new oxygen-loving conscripts can often struggle. By contrast, a good compost extract will contain all of the vast diversity found in the original compost, and this workforce will better suit all environments.

Episode 2 features a vermicompost extract, but the principles are the same for all extracts, including those made from a Johnson/Su bioreactor or the cultured Trichoderma covered in the last episode.

Of course, vermicompost is the very best of all compost options. It features a vast range of benefits uniquely incubated within the gut of the earthworm. If your soil lacks earthworms, then you are missing this potent workforce. Addressing that microbial deficit can be so productive, and you are about to learn how best to create your own vermicompost extract. 

I trust you will learn something of value.

Warm regards,

Graeme Sait


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