How to Do It Series 2 - Episode 2 - Culturing Mycorrhizal Fungi

Hi Everyone,
In Episode Two of Series Two of the “How to Do it” series, you will discover how to multiply Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF).
This is no small thing because these wondrous creatures are amongst the most expensive of commercial inoculums. The reason they are so costly relates to the fact that they cannot be “brewed”. They are hand-harvested from the roots of living host plants. There is a little deception sometimes seen in the marketing of AMF, where it is claimed they are present in liquid fertilisers or that they can multiply in compost. This is nonsense. They can only multiply on living plants and the favoured host for commercial manufacturers is Sorghum-Sudan, as it has a large root system and it tends to be quite effusive in feeding its symbiont.
Last week, you learnt how to make a kick-ass potting mix, and now we will use that mix to great benefit. It will be placed in a large plastic grow bag and then planted with inoculated sorghum seed to multiply AMF within that bag. After a couple of months, there will be a large bag jam-packed with roots, all of which will be growing AMF. I’ll also share the best way to harvest and utilise this DIY gift.
These organisms burrow into the root and then begin growing a vast network of fine filaments that eventually amount to a 1000% increase in root surface area. It’s not hard to imagine that this might be a good thing. All the water and nutrient foraging capacity of the original roots is dramatically amplified. These new plant partners harvest phosphate and zinc, increase the uptake of calcium and potassium and boost nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They also stimulate plant immunity and trigger humus building in the soil.
I hope you will be as excited as I am about the potential of this practice.
Happy Nutrition Farming!
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

Nutri-Life Platform®
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) (4 species) now blended with a broader range of complementary species including Trichoderma and beneficial bacteria.
A new and improved blend is to be applied by seed treatment or seedling dip.
You can place your order online below, email or phone 07 5472 9900.