Holistic Livestock Nutrition with Jerry Brunetti - Gold from the Vaults - Episode 3

Hi Everyone,
Last week's episode concluded Season 2 of the “How To Do It” video series. But we have just completed some of the filming of Series 3, so there are many more Nutrition Farming treats to come.
In the meantime we are returning to our “Gold From the Vaults” video series featuring wisdom from the Masters that remains as profoundly valid today as it was when these seminars were filmed. Today we have another presentation from my great friend and mentor, the late Jerry Brunetti. Jerry was a remarkable reservoir of knowledge regarding soil, plant, animal and human health.
In this fascinating presentation, the focus is on ruminant nutrition and the link to both soil and human health. You will discover the science behind the supremacy of grass-fed meat and milk. You will understand the importance of a nutrient called CLA, that is only found in the fat of grass fed animals. CLA has been described as “one of the most potent anti-carcinogenic food compounds ever researched”. It disappears from animal fat if more than 15% grain is included in their diet.
Jerry was a passionate proponent of “food as medicine”, and here, he highlights the science demonstrating the profound importance of nutrient-dense food grown in biologically active soils with balanced minerals.
I trust you will enjoy some of these timeless insights.
Happy Nutrition Farming!
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

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Features fulvic and humic acids derived from ancient plant matter. Fulvic acid is an electrolyte, which can maintain cellular balance. Humic acid can maintain optimum digestive health.
You can place your order online below, email sales@nutri-tech.com.au or phone 07 5472 9900.
Certificate in Nutrition Farming

Our next iconic, five-day Certificate in Nutrition Farming® course is scheduled for Monday, 24th - Friday, March 28th, 2025.
Our last course was attended by growers and consultants from six countries. It was a wonderful learning opportunity where attendees enjoyed a wealth of education and inspiration from both our presenters and their fellow attendees. We only accept 40 bookings for these courses, so please register if you would like to attend.