The Iconic Four-Day Course Evolves – Announcing Major Changes

The NTS Certificate In Nutrition Farming® is now 18 years old. Over ten thousand farmers and consultants have been trained on four continents since the very first course in 2000.
Three courses are conducted at the NTS seminar centre in Yandina, Qld, each year, and there are usually another four courses held elsewhere in Australia in the interim. These events have also been conducted multiple times in Canada, USA, UK, the Netherlands, NZ, Asia and South Africa.
We have experimented with format and content changes over the past year, particularly with the home courses. For example, we recently introduced a practical component with visits to the NTS research farm, and earlier this year we trialled a five-day version. We closely monitor feedback from each change and, on the basis of that feedback, we have recently finalised a new format. We are intent upon constantly improving this course and are convinced that this new format will maximise benefits to farmers.
The new format, planned for the upcoming event commencing November 19th, involves a full day of practical workshops at Nutrition Farms (the NTS demonstration/research farm). We will be transported to and from the farm by bus, and we will be treated to a special lunch prepared by Moira (Graeme’s partner). The majority of the delicious organic food will be sourced directly from the farm, and those who have previously sampled Moira’s culinary skills will know they are in for a treat.
We have also decided to extend the four-day format by an extra half-day (with no added cost). The morning of Day 5 (Friday) will be dedicated to health and longevity presentations by Graeme. These two 90-minute presentations are entitled “Seven Life Changing Strategies”, and they incorporate valuable new information not previously included in this course. Course attendees will also be able to make an appointment on the Friday to meet with an NTS agronomist (including Graeme), for a one-on-one consultation to help you get started on your sustainable farming journey.
Other new inclusions in the 4.5 day format include the following:
A complimentary meet-and-greet event, with award-winning wines and light refreshments, will occur immediately after the conclusion of Day 1 on the NTS forecourt. This celebration will allow participants to get to know fellow course attendees and to meet with NTS staff in a relaxed atmosphere.
A “Where do I Start?” segment, conducted by Graeme, will conclude Day 4. At this latter stage of the training, participants are often inspired to embrace a more regenerative farming approach. However, they can be confused by the depth and intensity of their learning experience. In this new presentation, Graeme will highlight some simple steps that you can adopt to begin a more productive journey.
An in-depth look at the properties of humic acid and fulvic acid, the differences between them, and how these valuable inputs can be used in regenerative farming systems. Functions such as chelation, complexing with fast-release fertilisers and preventing carbon loss from topsoil will be discussed, as well as issues such as compatibility and a demonstration on how to make your own liquid humic and fulvic acids for a fraction of the cost.
A discussion of soil and leaf analysis. Here you will learn how to gather plant tissue samples and soil samples, analyse the results, and choose productive nutrition strategies based upon that data.
Practical microbe management. Here you will learn how to use specific microbe inoculums to solve particular problems, or to achieve specific goals (like nitrogen fixation or phosphate solubilisation). You will discover how, why and when to use beneficial microbes to improve your bottom line.
Five Star Reviews and Rewards for Returnees
The NTS Certificate In Nutrition Farming® regularly receives high ratings and positive feedback, however we always strive to improve the experience for our attendees. At this home course, the entire NTS team gives their very best to ensure a memorable and rewarding week for all. The food is delicious. You are treated to a full, wholesome breakfast at 10 am, followed by a two-course lunch and afternoon tea each day. The presentations are educating, entertaining and often inspirational. The daily group exercises are challenging and fun. Graeme buffers the flood of intensive learning with his own brand of humour and the daily quizzes offer both reinforcement and team building.
People often attend this course two or three times over, and report much better retention and understanding when repeating the training. This relates to the benefits of prior learning and their post-course, personal experience with core concepts.
We welcome you to experience this exciting new format at the upcoming November event. Why not make a full week of it, and experience the many attractions of the wonderful Sunshine Coast region. This region boasts some of the best beaches in the world, a gloriously beautiful hinterland and one of the nicest climates on the planet.
If you would like to attend, please book early to avoid disappointment. These courses usually sell out and typically feature attendees from several countries. Call +61 7 5472 9900 to register today, or view the course pack online by clicking HERE.