Radiance Festival 2010/11

The Radiance Wellness Festival continues to inspire, educate and entertain Woodford patrons. This unique learning experience has now become one of the leading health festivals in the world, attracting total crowds in excess of 16,000 people over the six-day program.
Holistic Solutions – Pathways to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
Radiance 8 promises to deliver all of the passion, purpose, laughter and enlightenment for which this unique event has become renowned. “Holistic Solutions”, is the theme this year and the Radiance team will identify and address a broad range of critical issues relating to personal, social and planetary healing. Sustainable solutions are rarely secured from the treatment of symptoms and the focus, as always, will be upon the rewards we reap when addressing root causes.
The Radiance 8 presenters comprise an eclectic group of gifted educators ranging from award winning authors to celebrated comedians but they share a common purpose in their drive to inspire meaningful change. This exciting mix of newcomers and Radiance favourites should ensure a stimulating and memorable festival.
The “physical” dynamic in the holistic wellness equation is addressed in our newly extended 8 am sessions, where yoga maestro, Simon Borg-Olivier alternates with Radiance newcomer Rohan O’Reilly, to present six, hands-on, 60 minute sessions. Simon, who has developed a strong Radiance following, will continue to inspire with his boundless grace, charm and physical prowess. Rohan, the originator of the Mandela Keys approach, will deliver his fascinating fusion of focused energy, multifunction movement and neurological activation techniques.
The “physical” component also covers nutrition and good medicine and Radiance favourites, Dr Carole Hungerford and Graeme Sait will share the latest research findings relative to cancer, migraine headaches, micro nutrient therapy and wellness strategies.
The “physical”, on a personal/planetary level, is covered by best selling author, Professor Julian Cribb. Julian will chronicle the desperate need for change, in an important presentation based upon from his powerful new book, The Coming Famine.
Radiance 8 champions the emotional link to wellness. Dr Helena Popovic and author, Ingrid Poulson will build upon their remarkable performances last year to further quantify the mind/body link to successful healing. Helena will teach us why we should “let healing happen” and how we can turn stress into success. Ingrid will share secrets to fast track the journey from “hell to whole” and in her second presentation we will discover innovative strategies to beat brain betrayal.
The emotional wellness theme is further explored when multi award winning author, the former Australian of the Year award recepient, Cynthia Morton, details her highly successful “Emotional Fitness” approach.
The most sought after of all emotions, happiness, is addressed on multiple levels by several speakers including leading psychologist, Dr Timothy Sharp (Dr Happy) who will introduce us to “The Happiness Diet”. Tim will also discuss the importance of sleep, in an illuminating presentation called “Sleeping your Way to the Top”. Humour is integral to happiness and comic genius, Anthony Ackroyd, will return to the festival after his hilarious, full house debut last year. A second satirist joins the team this year with comedienne, Lou Pollard scheduled to delight the Radiance audience.
The management of conflict, the antithesis of happiness, is addressed by dynamic newcomer, Kris Hines, who will be assisted in this poignant, yet hilarious presentation by her divinely righteous alter ego, Frankie Zenatra, in a session entitled “Who Sinks Your Boat?”
The spiritual side to the wellness equation will be touched upon in several of the presentations but will be the focus of Radiance founder, Graeme Sait’s fascinating presentation, “The Power of Intent”. Here, at the nexus of quantum principles and universal law you will discover a host of cost-free healing tools that may change the way you approach life.
We trust that Radiance 8 may offer you an entertaining and inspiring conclusion to 2010 and we will strive to provide a passionate prelude to your New Year.
Presenter Bios
Anthony Ackroyd is one of Australia’s most successful standup comics and comedy writers. He is currently one of the stars of ABC’s Thank God It’s Friday! Which is the top rating radio comedy show in Australia. Anthony is a former star of the “The Big Gig” and” The Comedy Company” and has performed and written for over one hundred Australian and International TV shows, radio programmes, and feature films. Anthony has written material for Billy Crystal, Rowan Atkinson and Jim Carrey. He is also recognised as an authority on the social impact of comedy. Anthony drew capacity crowds and was a resounding success at last year’s Radiance.
Dr. Carole Hungerford is a world leader in nutritional and environmental medicine. She is the author of a bestselling, award winning book called “Good Health In the 21st Century “and she is a sought after speaker at conferences throughout the country. Carole became committed to the practice of nutritional medicine when she saw that the growth in diet-related disease was matched only by the growth in pharmaceuticals developed to treat such lifestyle illnesses. Carole is a Fellow of, and lecturer for, the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) and she has become a much loved Radiance presenter.
Cynthia Morton is a twice published, bestselling author, blogger and columnist for several health magazines.. She is the creator of the multi award winning Emotional Fitness Program and a popular media spokeswoman for issues relating to emotional health. Cynthia has received national recognition for her innovative Australian approach to emotional wellbeing. Awards include an Australian of the Year Award, Prime Minister’s Award of Excellence and The Pride of Australia Medal. Cynthia will be appearing at Radiance for the first time. Don’t miss her single presentation!
Graeme Sait is the author/educator who founded the Radiance Festival. He has written over 300 published articles and two books. Graeme is CEO of Nutri-Tech Solutions, a world leader in soil, animal and human health and he has been a key note speaker at numerous International conferences. Graeme specialises in the link between nutrition and wellness and his powerful presentations have become Radiance draw cards. Graeme’s strength is his meticulous research combined with a unique capacity to explain complex subjects in a highly accessible and entertaining manner. His passionate presentations have often been described as “life-changing”.
Dr Helena Popovic graduated in medicine from the University of Sydney in 1995 and has been paving the way for a new paradigm in peak health and peak performance ever since. A specialist in brain plasticity and lifestyle-based diseases, Helena shows how to achieve excellence in every area of our life – through education, not medication. Helena combines her experience as doctor, researcher, Lifeline counsellor and fitness instructor to deliver sophisticated messages with common sense practicality and infectious energy. Helena’s new book will be launched at Radiance 8.
Ingrid Poulson has had her own journey of tragedy and uses both her experience and her academic studies to inspire others into living full and thriving lives. Ingrid has a Masters Degree in cognitive science, is a sought after speaker and trainer and has authored a self- help book on resilience called “RISE”, which was published in 2008. Those who attended Ingrid’s Radiance presentation last year were moved as much by her passion, integrity and warmth as her poignant message. Ingrid returns with two brand new presentations this year. Don’t miss her!
Professor Julian Cribb is an author, journalist, editor and science communicator and principal of Julian Cribb & Associates who provide specialist consultancy in the communication of science, agriculture, mining, energy and the environment. His career includes appointments as newspaper editor, scientific correspondent for The Australian newspaper, director of national awareness for CSIRO and member of numerous boards and advisory panels. His published work includes over 8000 articles, 3000 media releases and eight books. He has received 32 awards for journalism. Julian will discuss his critically important new book, The Coming Famine.
Kris Hines has lived a double life as a singer/comedic writer and coach/counsellor in life and relationships since the 80s. Inspiring people in prisons, workplaces, children’s circles and spiritual centres in India, the US and Oz, she is a possibility person for matters of the heart. Kris has a Masters Degree in education but has used the University of life to develop the rare skills and insight she uses for conflict resolution. This is her first Radiance appearance and she will be accompanied by Frankie Zenatra, her troubling alter-ego.
Dr Lou Pollard is the Sydney Clown Doctor team co-ordinator for The Humour Foundation, a charity dedicated to promoting the health benefits of humour. She is also a stand up comedienne who has performed at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, Adelaide Fringe and Sydney Comedy Festival as well as supporting Arj Barker, Austen Tayshus and Jackie Loeb. Lou is also a published writer and a media performer who has been the subject of numerous radio and magazine interviews. Her first Radiance appearance promises to be a “must see” event.
Rohan O’Reilly is the holistic strength and wellness coach who developed the Mandala Keys approach. He has spent 20 years engineering a ”ground up” approach to creating empowerment through ritual and integrated movement sequences. He is passionate about strengthening the individual through identifying and utilising the emotional signatures of movement. Rohan’s workshops involve a combination of the theory and practical demonstration of a system that promises to bridge Western exercise science and Eastern movement philosophies. Don’t miss his 8:00 am Radiance sessions.
Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BappSc is a lecturer, physiotherapist and Yoga Synergy Director for 27 years, who teaches a unique synthesis of ancient yogic wisdom with modern medical science. Simon is co-author of Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga, which is the main text book for a course he developed and lectures in at RMIT University. Simon is renowned for delivering his immensely popular seminars while holding advanced yoga positions and demonstrating the physical/spiritual potential of this science. This is his third appearance at Radiance.
Prof Timothy Sharp has three degrees in psychology (including a Ph.D.). He has an impressive record as an academic, clinician and coach. He oversees a clinical psychology practice, an Executive Coaching practice, and is the founder of Australia’s first organisation devoted solely to promoting the principles of positive psychology (The Happiness Institute). Tim Sharp is also a bestselling author, a highly sought after public speaker, regular media commentator, and a recipient of the Future Leadership Award. Tim will inspire and entertain Radiance patrons for the third year in a row.
This Year’s Presentations
Anthony Ackroyd
“Success is a Joke!”
Jokes are a fundamental part of human creativity and communication. Human beings have always valued jokes for the laughter they create and for what they tell us about ourselves. “Many a true word is spoken in jest” so it is said. Anthony Ackroyd also believes that jokes contain many valuable insights that can assist us on our quest for wellness, happiness, and success in all areas of our lives. What can we learn from the “blonde mortician” and the “flatulent cowboy”? Lots! You just have to look for the lesson once you’ve stop laughing!
“Laugh for Life”
How’s your laugh life? Are you getting enough? Would you like more? Of course you would! Laughter is one of life’s supreme joys but people rarely have an opportunity to design how they will create the level of laughter they would like in their lives. This talk gives you that opportunity. Getting in touch with what Anthony Ackroyd calls the “the humour response” leads to increased self-esteem, communication ability, creativity, and personal happiness. Don’t neglect your laugh life. Come along and have fun designing your pathway to physical, emotional, and spiritual joy through the power of laughter.
Dr Carole Hungerford
“Cancer Prevention and Management”
Since Nixon declared his War on Cancer back in the seventies, millions have been spent. Cynics declare that the outcome parallels the outcomes of the other Wars waged by the first world in the ensuing decades. A few battles have been won, but is the world a better, safer, healthier place or not? Cancer rates are rising, and magic bullets cannot replace prevention. Does Man’s ingenuity vanquish his wisdom? Dr Carole Hungerford’s talk examines some of the missed opportunities – both at a personal and political level and delivers invaluable take home messages applicable to everyone.*
“What a Headache! – Escape the Torment”
Approximately one in seven Australians suffer from migraine. Some of these people will experience only the occasional headache – other’s lives are controlled by them. And then there are the tension headaches, the neck and back pain headaches, the cluster headaches – the list is long. Is this just moral turpitude? Some of us never get headaches. For those who do – is it just an excuse to get out of work or sex? The answers are illuminating. Dr Carole Hungerford’s talk will explore the headache minefield – and offer some much needed strategies for management.
Cynthia Morton
“Emotional Fitness”
Cynthia Morton offers her insights into how the practical application of the 3 principals of Emotional Fitness can provide relief with the emotional problems and challenges that confront us, whether these are in our relationships, our health or our careers.
Cynthia shares how just 10 minutes per day of Emotional Fitness techniques will help improve emotional strength and resilience in daily life.
Strategies like the emotional diet, the consistent honoring of oneself, and emotionally self-preservation, enable individuals to access more enjoyment in life and have made the Emotional Fitness approach a unique success story.
Graeme Sait
"Mastering Micronutrients – The Promise of Nutritional Healing”
Food production, food processing and faulty farming practices have served to demineralise our food. In fact, we have lost 70% of the nutritional value in just three generations. These missing minerals can be the building blocks for health, happiness and longevity and yet they are largely ignored by a Modern Medical Machine mired in the ongoing treatment of symptoms. Discover the three mineral deficiencies that negatively affect eight out of every ten Australians. Learn the critically important roles of iodine, chromium, selenium and zinc, as nutrition expert, Graeme Sait, explains the mechanics of mineral nutrition in this fascinating first session.
“New Ways to Wellness – The Success Stories”
Radiance founder, Graeme Sait, will take you on a tour de force of the latest wellness strategies, focusing upon proven problem solvers. Marvel at the simplicity of a powerhouse therapy using four common garden herbs. Discover skin care secrets, including Pacific oil that completely removes scars. From brain care research to mind/body magic and supplementing strategies, you will be provided with invaluable take home tips. Digestive problems are linked to many diseases and this session will highlight the best tools to optimise digestion and to improve nutrient uptake. Don’t miss this action-packed performance from an impassioned Radiance favourite.
“The Power of Intent – Healing With Your Thoughts and Feelings”
Do your thoughts really matter when it comes to getting well? Yes They Do! Over 20 major studies have now confirmed the powerful link between healing intentions and positive health. You are the architect of your own wellbeing. It has also been shown that those with some kind of spiritual path live for 8 to 13 years longer (bad news for Julia Gillard!). In this fascinating presentation, Radiance founder, Graeme Sait, explores the impact of consciousness and spirituality on your health. Discover how simple it is to supercharge your food, water and supplements. Learn how to use intent to cleanse and to counter contaminants.
Dr Helena Popovic
“Let Healing Happen”
Voltaire observed that “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” This insight, together with the maxim, “first do no harm” – are two of the most powerful holistic solutions to achieving physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Our body has the intrinsic capacity to heal itself – if we let it. In this stimulating session, Dr Helena Popovic challenges the dominant paradigm to move from a vernacular of war to a language of love. Instead of speaking about “fighting the infection”, “battling against cancer” and “struggling with weight loss”, let’s care for our body, listen to our needs and feel our feelings.
“Turn Stress into Success”
Stress is an inevitable part of life. Intermittent mild stress is not a bad thing. It assists in building up our resilience and enhances performance. However, chronic or severe stress has a detrimental effect on our performance as well as on our immediate and long-term physical, mental and emotional health. Unchecked stress erodes our brain and is a contributing factor in every major disease we suffer. “Turn Stress into Success” provides holistic strategies to raise our stress threshold. Dr Helena Popovic also provides the steps to deal with stress when we’re in the middle of it – so that we not only survive but thrive.
Ingrid Poulson
“From Hell to Whole”
Whether it comes from outside or within, many of us have experienced our own private hell. The question is, once we’ve been through it, how can we gather our scattered pieces of self back into a coherent whole? And how can we survive – and thrive – in the aftermath of adversity? In this talk, Ingrid Poulson discusses her own personal journey from tragedy to wellness, and what she has learned along the way. Full of practical tips, and covering both academic and personal knowledge, this talk aims to inspire others in moving from hell to being whole, happy and thriving individuals.
“Brain Betrayal- and How to Beat It”
You want to be happy, but you can’t quite seem to get there – Sound familiar? Why is it that it can be such a struggle to stay positive? Why do our minds seem to be so full of negative thoughts? Why is it so easy to get on a downward spiral? And how can we stop it? Ingrid Poulson’s presentation explores some of the behind the scene brain action that can be the basis of this behaviour. In this fascinating session, Ingrid will show us how we can direct that brain action in order to be the ‘best kind of me’.
Professor Julian Cribb
“The Coming Famine: Time for a Change in the World Diet”
In coming decades the world faces emerging scarcities of all the primary resources required to produce food, at a time when human demand for food is poised to double. Professor Julian Cribb explains what is driving emerging global food insecurity, looks at the implications for world peace, the human diet and the food system and proposes some innovative solutions. Julian is a compelling speaker covering an enormously important issue involving personal and planetary wellbeing. This is a must see presentation!
Kris Hines
“Who Sinks Your Boat? – Transforming Conflict to Survive and Thrive”
The stress of conflict – who needs it? Kris Hines’ particular passion is providing new possibilities for transforming conflicts of all kinds – yes, even that one! Along with her complex and divinely righteous alter-ego, Frankie Zenatra (singer and poseur), Kris invites you to peek anonymously into your conflict closet and perhaps clear out some unwanted junk. A firm believer in having a good day – not to mention contributing to world peace – she and Frankie tackle the prickly topic of conflict, bringing humour, insight, tools, attitude and mixed metaphors to this lively occasion.
Lou Pollard
“Clown Doctor Tears (the role of the court jester in children’s hospitals and aged care)”
Clown doctor Lou Pollard delivers doses of humour to help relieve fear and stress. Lou brightens the lives of very sick children and elderly patients in hospitals and nursing homes. She will give an insight into their invaluable work, showing how Clown Doctors take risks in balancing lightness with the profound. Caring clowning can speak the language of the heart and bring a sense of connection and consolation, with people frequently sharing their feelings. As a Clown Doctor Lou has appeared on Playschool, The Today Show and Saving Kids.
"Parenthoodlite – Surviving the Journey"
Lou Pollard is a professional fool. According to Freud it’s the role of the mother to mess with the child’s psyche and Lou has been working hard at doing her share. In this hilarious presentation, this single mother of three will attempt to show how to keep your sense of humour and sanity while parenting. Lou is an author, actress, standup comedienne and a clown doctor. She has performed at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and Adelaide Fringe as well as supporting Arj Barker and Austen Tayshus. Poignant humour at it’s best.
Rohan O’Reilly
“Holistic Strength & Vitality”
Rohan O’Reilly has uncovered new wellness parameters in the development of his unique approach. The most important benefits of being strong are non physical! To totally maximise your personal potential it is imperative to focus your conscious/subconscious mind together with the power of positive emotions and higher energies. Discover how to combine focused energies, natural nutrition, the most effective integrated movements and the latest neurological activation techniques to develop inner and outer strength, stability and balance.
Learn to create positive personal transformations, increase energy, improve body image and enjoy a greater state of wellness and vitality.
“East Meets West – A New Movement Paradigm”
What is our core driving force? Western exercise science tells us that our Life Force just a matter of chemistry while Eastern movement philosophies have always focused on “higher energies”. In this dynamic, 8 am session, Rohan O’Reilly will teach us how to fuse the best of both worlds. Discover the “holistic energy system continuum” and “energy priming” techniques that can be applied to any form of movement and will dramatically improve your results.
Learn how by increasing your “Kinaesthesia” (body intelligence) you will improve your emotional integrity. The difference between mindless exercise and the power of “integrated movement” is, in effect, the difference between health and wellness.
“Exercise vs. Evolutionary Movement”
Exercise specialist Rohan O’Reilly will demonstrate that physical “exercise” is an inefficient paradigm! Health is a by-product of physical efficiency. Wellness is the combination of physicality, thoughts, emotions and balanced energies. Learn how to move in ways that not only improve health & wellness but also re-start the “evolutionary process”. Discover rituals and movement sequences that combine the best of science and ancient wisdom. See “primitive” and “developmental movements” demonstrated, that harness the power of “embodied cognition”, develop neuromuscular skill and increase cognitive abilities. Understanding that your “physical signature” is linked to your emotional state, is a key component in becoming empowered.
Simon Borg-Olivier
“Yogic Synergy of Body Breath and Mind”
In this workshop/seminar, YogaSynergy Director, Simon Borg-Olivier (MScBAppSc(Physiotherapy)), teaches how to heal and nourish your body by circulating energy and information through the subtle channels. YogaSynergy is traditional hatha yoga derived from the application of yoga anatomy and yoga physiology with an understanding from exercise-based physiotherapy. YogaSynergy has unique muscle-control techniques and breath-control methods that can help you quickly awaken the cellular intelligence (the mind) in any part of your body. This approach can improve circulation and allow the joints and organs to function at their optimum health, thus effectively and efficiently leaving you feeling energised, nourished and healed.
“Breathe Less While Exercising the Body for Emotional Well-being”
In this workshop, Yoga Master Simon Borg-Olivier teaches how to increase your fitness while your heart and lungs work less. Unique, YogaSynergy strategies can allow you to do strenuous activities while remaining calm and relaxed. Simon teaches physical concentration methods and natural breathing techniques that eventually lead to the meditative state. He explains that, contrary to popular belief, learning to reduce your breathing intensity, rather than increasing it during exercise, increases blood flow to your brain and heart, helps in the transport of oxygen in your blood, calms your nerves and reduces your need for food.
“Enliven Your Spine to Enrich Your Life”
In this workshop, Simon Borg-Olivier, a Research Scientist and Physiotherapist who has practiced yoga for 40 years, shows ways to free up your spine, energise and strengthen the body while remaining calm. Simon teaches how to move your entire spine naturally in order to activate key energy centres for health and vitality. This also gives stability and nourishment to your joints and muscles, preventing and healing injuries, and relieving physical pain. Techniques taught in this workshop help improve the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, elimination of waste and stored toxins, and the health of the reproductive system.
Dr Timothy Sharp
“The Happiness Diet – A Positive Psychology Approach to Weight Management”
Many weight management programs link happiness to goal achievement. These programs invariably fail because they defer happiness (the “I’ll be happy when…” phenomenon). This approach is inherently negative and demoralising. In contrast, Dr Timothy Sharp’s new and exciting approach, The Happiness Diet, builds on his “Primacy of Positivity” theory, which is based upon getting happy first. Then you’ll be more motivated and energised to do what you need to do to achieve your goals. This session is not just about weight loss. It applies to anyone who wants to enhance happiness, change their diet or increase their comfort with their body shape and size.
“Sleep Your Way To The Top – Healthy Living From a Positive Psychology Perspective”
It’s hard to be happy if you’re literally sick and tired all the time and unfortunately this applies to many of us. The average Australian gets an hour’s less sleep a night than what is required and this sleep deprivation can impact on cognitive functioning, mood, relationships and even eating and weight. Dr Timothy Sharp will show us how to reclaim good health via the powerful principles of positive psychology. Learn how to set a positive vision and direction, generate and maintain motivation and energy, utilise strengths to make things happen and finally, to hold oneself accountable and reinforce positive progress.