North American Seminar Tour with Graeme Sait - November 2024

Hi Everyone,
I am excited to launch my brand new, two-day course tour across the US and Canada in partnership with AgSol & Burroughs Family Farms in a couple of weeks. I have been working hard to put this course together, and it features the latest cutting-edge research that can help you become more profitable and sustainable. The course is called “Nutrition Farming Explained—The Dynamics of Minerals, Microbes and Humus.”
I have attached a course outline so you can recognise the depth of this two-day education experience. The new course will be launched in North America, but I am planning a National seminar tour early next year to share this information with as many as possible.
As is my way, I explain how and why things work, and I provide many practical strategies to help you create your own living fertilisers and crop-specific mineral foliars. I give my best, to try to deliver the three pillars of a pleasurable learning experience. I strive to educate, entertain and inspire. As is my way, I explain how and why things work, and I provide many practical strategies to help you create your own living fertilisers and crop-specific mineral foliars.
Many attendees leave my courses bursting with the passion to experiment with some of the cost-saving concepts I have shared.
If any of my subscribers in Canada or the US decide to attend one of these courses, I look forward to meeting you and providing guidance if needed. Make sure you bring your soil tests!
We are heading to my apple and stonefruit farm this weekend to film new episodes of the popular “How to Do It” video series before I fly to the US next weekend.
Stay happy and healthy, and enjoy your regenerative journey.
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions
Event Booking

Remember: Our next iconic, five-day Certificate in Nutrition Farming® course is scheduled for December 2nd to 6th.
Our last course was attended by growers and consultants from six countries. It was a wonderful learning opportunity where attendees enjoyed a wealth of education and inspiration from both our presenters and their fellow attendees. We only accept 40 bookings for these courses, so please register if you would like to attend.
PARTNER PASS DEAL: 2 x Full 5-Day Course Tickets – Save almost $400!
Graeme has noticed the many benefits of husband-and-wife teams undertaking this regenerative journey together. So bring your life partner along, and you can benefit from this special deal. Immerse yourselves in the world of Nutrition Farming® and embark on this educational journey together. It is all-inclusive, the same as the Full 5-day Single Ticket, for both attendees.
Hurry, seats are filling fast.
Finally, the broadacre planting season is almost upon us. NTS provides cutting-edge seed treatments, humate-based fertiliser enhancement, plant growth promoters (like triacontanol) and inexpensive foliar options for cereal croppers. Please contact our agronomy team if you need any advice.