How to Do It Series - Episode 5 - DIY Biodynamic Prep BD508

Hi Everyone,

In this latest  “How to do it” episode, you will discover how to make your own living silica fertiliser.

Silica has become hugely researched in recent years as we slowly recognise the protective potential of this neglected mineral. 

If you want to proactively reduce your need for chemical intervention, then the starting point is cell wall strength. The goal becomes the fortification of that protective barrier to blunten the mandibles of invading sap suckers or to buckle the hyphae of undesirable fungi.

When we boost cell wall strength with silica and calcium, we also reduce lodging. That extra stem strength better presents the solar panel (the leaf) for optimum photosynthesis. Silica also improves nutrient uptake and translocation because phloem and xylem are made from silica.

Perhaps the most exciting new finding about silica is not enhanced cell strength. It is the discovery that silica is a potent immune elicitor, seriously boosting the plant's capacity to fight its own fight.

Rudolph Steiner, the founder of Biodynamics, was way ahead of the game in terms of recognising the importance of silica. Several BD preps are based on silica. 

In this demonstration, you will learn how to extract plant-available silica from Casuarina nettles. Then, we turbo-charge this BD prep, called 508, by putting the microbes behind the mineral through a simple fermentation using BAM (Beneficial Anaerobic Microbes). This strategy ensures enhanced silica uptake, along with the multiple benefits of BAM.

I’m hoping this will prove invaluable in your regenerative toolkit as we strive to help you build profitability sustainably.

Warm regards,

Graeme Sait


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