How to Do It Series - Episode 17 - Micronised Mineral Suspensions

Hi Everyone,
The latest episode of our “How to Do It” series covers the use of Micronised Mineral Suspensions (MMS).
This involves creating a tiny particle size that dramatically increases the plant availability of the minerals involved. The principle here involves the vast increase in surface area when a mineral particle is reduced to a fraction of its normal size. Soil biology and biochemistry combine to rapidly render this minuscule particle into instant plant food.
Here we will talk about some of the unique benefits of MMS nutrition, including:
1) When we use micronised guano( Phos-Life) we are delivering phosphate, calcium, silica and a rich trace mineral lode directly into the root zone and into the plant. There is a great synergistic response when calcium and phosphate are delivered together in plant-available form. This is normally not possible because calcium and phosphate form insoluble calcium phosphate when they are combined in ionic form
2) When it is not financially viable to apply gypsum to open up clay soil, there is now an alternative. Liquid micronised gypsum (Gyp-Life) can be applied directly to the roots to impact the soil’s breathing capacity in that action-packed zone called the rhizosphere.
3) Micronised diatomaceous earth (Dia-Life) can similarly deliver plant-available silica where it is needed. It has an advantage over inputs like potassium silicate in that this soluble silica source is incompatible with most other inputs. Dia-Life can be combined with all inputs successfully.
4) Micronised Lime (Lime-Life) and dolomite (Cal-Mag-Life) can supply calcium and magnesium in a rapidly available form directly into the engine room when applied in liquid form. Plant uptake happens within 24 hours.
Sili-Cal (B)™ is our newest addition to the range. It is a unique combination of three synergistic, cell-strengthening elements: silica, calcium, and boron. This foundation trio is proving invaluable for improving crop resilience and maximising productivity.
I hope you might discover some new tools to boost profitability sustainably.
Thanks for watching
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

Lime-Life Organic™
39.4% pure calcium, without the tag-ons, can be immensely valuable when calcium is deficient. Calcium is the king of minerals.
A high-analysis source of micronised calcite combined in a free-flowing suspension with fulvic acid. Calcium is the trucker of all minerals and virtually all crops will benefit from a calcium supplement during the crop phase.

Sili-Cal (B)™
Bio-activated calcium and silica with boron.
A unique combination of three synergistic cell-strengthening elements: Silica, Calcium and Boron. Sili-Cal (B)™ is an invaluable nutritional inclusion for improving crop resilience and maximising productivity.
You can place your order online below, email or phone 07 5472 9900.