How to Do It Series - Episode 16 - Foliar Fertilising

Hi Everyone,

In this episode of the “How to Do It” video series, we will examine the practice of foliar fertilisation more closely. The idea of applying nutrition via the leaf was once the preserve of a handful of greenhouse growers and some cannabis producers who had discovered the many benefits of their high-value crop.

However, the uptake of foliar nutrition has exploded in recent years, and now there are thousands of broadacre producers, graziers, orchardists, and vegetable producers who have awakened to this strategy's potential.

This foliar revolution has been driven by several factors, including the following:

1) Cost saving - delivery of nutrition through the leaf is 12 times more efficient than soil-based delivery. This can sponsor considerable cost savings, through increased fertiliser efficiency.

2) Bypassing lockups - excesses of cations, like calcium and magnesium, or anions, like phosphorus and nitrate nitrogen, can seriously impact the uptake of the specific minerals they antagonise. The foliar route allows growers to bypass these problems with direct injection into the leaf. High P, for example, locks up zinc. In this instance, there is little gain from fertigating zinc because the phosphate oversupply just locks it up. It is much more productive to foliar spray chelated zinc directly onto the leaf.

3) Nitrogen sustainability - urea, when applied to the soil, rapidly converts to leachable nitrate nitrogen, and volatilisation is involved in this process. Agriculture contributes 80% of the nitrous oxide gas to the greenhouse blanket. This gas is 310 times more thickening of that blanket than CO2. When you foliar spray urea (with humic acid), the associated creation of a urea humate removes the leaching and volatilising potential. More importantly, it delivers (12 times more efficiently) nitrogen in the amine form, which is then rapidly converted in the leaf into amino acids and then proteins. There is no better way to improve nitrogen use efficiency than foliar urea.

4) Problem-solving - foliar fast-tracks the correction of yield-limiting nutrient deficiencies. The response is often obvious within hours.

In this presentation you will learn all of the do’s and don’ts associated with foliar fertilising and, assuming you are a foliar virgin, you may even be inspired to experiment with this super productive practice.

Wishing you all a rewarding regenerative journey.

Warm regards,

Graeme Sait


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