How to Do It Series - Episode 11 - Brewing BAM

Hi Everyone,

Our “how to do it” episode this week involves the on-farm production of a blend of beneficial anaerobes that have proven tremendously successful around the globe. They are so easy to multiply on-farm, and they are the most user-friendly of any DIY microbial input. BAM (Beneficial Anaerobic Microbes) have a shelf-life of two years, and the brewing equipment to magnify their numbers can cost less than $100. 

On my farms, nothing goes out without the inclusion of a little BAM. Here, we are embracing the principle of “putting the microbes behind the minerals”, and this is a great strategy to increase the performance of all inputs.

BAM is particularly beneficial in tight, closed, high-magnesium soils because these organisms do not need oxygen to initiate their soil improvements. However, this is just one of multiple benefits. They can fix nitrogen, solubilise locked-up phosphorous, stimulate plant growth, build humus, and protect from a variety of diseases.

They can clean algae from troughs and dams, and many use them as probiotics to improve livestock resilience. These beneficial bacteria can produce compost within just 8 weeks or rapidly digest crop residue. You can even pour them down your toilet, and you will never have to pay to have your septic tank cleaned.

I hope you get excited enough to experiment for yourself. I’m sure you will be pleased with the outcome. I just had an email from a Canadian distributor who reported that BAM was the best thing he has ever worked with in agriculture. It has become our largest-selling microbe globally because the DIY model makes it so cost-effective and affordable.

Happy Nutrition Farming.

Warm regards,

Graeme Sait


Nutri-Tech Solutions

Nutri-Life BAM™

Multipurpose blend of anaerobic species for soil, compost and plant health.

This breakthrough probiotic blend contains lactic acid bacteria and purple non-sulfur bacteria plus beneficial yeasts and microbial exudates.

Click here for Seed Treatment Instructions with Nutri-Life BAM™.

Key Performance

  • Improve plant growth, health & resilience
  • Increase nutrient availability
  • Improve soil structure & water holding capacity


Contains a blend of beneficial anaerobic organisms, including phototrophic non-sulphur bacteria and lactic acid bacteria

You can place your order online below, email or phone on 07 5472 9900.