How to Do It Series 2 - Episode 9 - Biodynamic Broadcasting Towers & Radionics

Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Season 2 of the “How to do it” video series. This week we will have a different focus. Here, we will be discussing the less conventional concept of “energy agriculture”. Some of you will be familiar with Biodynamics, Rudolph Steiner’s homeopathic approach to agriculture, which involves the precisely timed application of a series of “BD preps”.
We will discuss this approach within this video but we will also be covering a fascinating, alternative delivery method, involving something called a broadcasting tower.
This was developed by the late Hugh Lovell, the wonderfully passionate, multi-talented consultant, who founded a company called Quantum Agriculture..
Hugh developed a poly pipe apparatus with a copper conducting coil that is positioned in the paddock directly over a triple lay line. Someone who can dowse for water can usually locate this particular form of geopathic stress. This then becomes the energy source to “broadcast” the vibration of BD preps, or other nutrients, across an area as large as 1000 acres.
This energy concept is based upon the fact that everything in our world has a unique vibrational signature. Quantum physics has clearly verified the presence of this vibrational phenomenon. They call it scalar energy.
In theory, broadcasting towers deliver those vibrations to your crop, or your soil, and there are many farmers around Australia who can testify to the benefits.
One particular potential of this unusual approach involves the BD concept of “peppering”. Here, you gently burn the offending weed seed, disease spore, insect or bird pest and collect the ash, broadcasting the “death energy” of that ash across your paddocks. There are some exciting stories from growers who have had impressive results using this strategy.
Energy agriculture might stretch your capacity to evaluate and accept seemingly inexplicable phenomena, but I suggest that you keep an open mind to all things. There is much that we have yet to fully understand and when you have a closed mind to unconventional ideas, sometimes the only loser is you.
I hope that you all enjoy this installment, Happy Nutrition Gardening!
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

Consultations with Graeme Sait
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Graeme Sait, a renowned expert in soil health, plant health, and regenerative farming practices, is now available for comprehensive 60-minute consultations.
He is ready to offer personalised recommendations and strategies, designed specifically for your unique farming challenges and needs.
You can place your order online, email or phone 07 5472 9900.
Certificate in Nutrition Farming

Our next iconic, five-day Certificate in Nutrition Farming® course is scheduled for Monday, 24th - Friday, March 28th, 2025.
Our last course was attended by growers and consultants from six countries. It was a wonderful learning opportunity where attendees enjoyed a wealth of education and inspiration from both our presenters and their fellow attendees. We only accept 40 bookings for these courses, so please register if you would like to attend.