How to Do It Series 2 - Episode 11 - Building & Utilising Wicking Beds

Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to season 2 of the “How To Do It” video series. This week I would like to try to empower you with practical demonstrations of strategies that can build your production, profitability and resilience, by focusing on wicking beds and all the benefits they deliver.
I often talk about the importance of growing your own nutrient dense food for yourself and your family. In fact, I describe the home garden as The ultimate wellness tool. Not only do you get to eat nutrient dense chemical-free food with forgotten flavours and enhanced medicinal qualities, but you have the luxury of consuming that food freshly harvested. Many are not aware that there is up to 50% of nutrition lost in the post harvest period between farm and table; this should be motivation enough to start growing fresh fruit and veg today.
One of the most productive home food production strategies involves wicking beds. With this simple system, watering is vastly improved, requiring less attention and overall water use, while allowing you full control over the soil fertility, as you build it from scratch.
Two years ago we had a bad fire at Nutrition Farms in Applethorpe and a half-melted water tank was one of the many casualties. In this video, Claudia and I will show you how we repurposed this tank, as a wicking bed, to create a wonderfully productive vegetable plot.
Until next week I wish you a happy, fulfilling Nutrition Gardening journey.
Warm regards,
Graeme Sait
Nutri-Tech Solutions

NTS Home Garden Range
Beneficial fungi to improve the balance between desirable and undesirable microorganisms on the leaf surface and in the soil.
NTS have spent the last two decades working with farmers across the globe and are recognised leaders in soil & plant health. The formulations involved in the Life Force® Range were previously only available to large-scale growers and producers. Now, home gardeners have access to these extraordinary fertilisers.
You can place your order online, email or phone 07 5472 9900.
Certificate in Nutrition Farming

Our next iconic, five-day Certificate in Nutrition Farming® course is scheduled for Monday, 24th - Friday, March 28th, 2025.
Our last course was attended by growers and consultants from six countries. It was a wonderful learning opportunity where attendees enjoyed a wealth of education and inspiration from both our presenters and their fellow attendees. We only accept 40 bookings for these courses, so please register if you would like to attend.