The Impact of Soil Health on Community Health

In this fascinating presentation, author and educator, Graeme Sait, chronicles the decline in human nutrition over the past three generations and the powerful link to the current plague of degenerative diseases. He offers a game plan to reclaim this lost vitality utilising cutting-edge soil science research combined with strategies for home gardeners to use food as medicine.

Learn about the critical importance of enzymes, eating by ORAC, lacto fermented food and the parallels between minerals and microbes in the soil, and nutrition and biology in our bodies.

You will discover our critical need for plant-derived minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and vitamins, derived from food, grown without chemical intervention. This workshop provides invaluable tips for building soil fertility, monitoring your progress, chemical-free pest and weed control, replenishing your microbial work force, selecting “defence” fruit and vegetables, composting hints and home food production as a tool to promote community wellness.

This presentation also includes guidelines for children’s health and highlights recent research into the powerful relationship between nutrition and behaviour. Anxiety, depression and violence have all been linked to missing minerals and substandard nutrition.

View Part 1

View Part 2